Supporting Students Living with Disability

Supporting Students Living with Disability

Rewarding Inclusive Social Education (RISE)

RISE classes are designed to support students living with disability to learn skills, have fun, socialise in a recreational setting and to participate in the local community. Classes are filled with fun and impart life skills such as cooking and activities such as being creative with art and craft.

RISE students are well supported by qualified tutors and support staff with qualifications in Disability Services.

If you have a NDIS Plan and would like to use some of your available funds to participate in the classes, or if you are due to have a review of your NDIS Plan and would like to know how to have funding included for the RISE Program we can help.

Click here for more information or call us on 1300 191 100 or email the RISE Coordinator via email to express your interest.


Do you need an Advocate?

You can have an independent disability advocate speak, act or write on your behalf.  It is their job to assist you to exercise choice and control and to have your voice heard in matters that affect you.

You may also choose to use an independent disability advocate when you make a complaint.

You can find Advocacy services in your local area here


We all have a responsibility to make our community safe. If you think abuse, neglect, violence or exploitation is happening to a person with disability, you need to report it. The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline is an independent and confidential service for reporting mistreatment of people with a disability.

To make a report, call 1800 880 052 or send an email to

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can call the National Relay Service on 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 880 052.

If you speak a language other than English, you can use the Translating and Interpreting Service by calling 13 14 50.